Reflection Point changes the way people work together.

Modern work is hard. It's remote and disconnected. People are burned out and stressed. Companies don't know where to start to make things better. But we do.

Our programs boost collaboration, transform corporate cultures and advance innovation. Our surveys show that participants experience measurable changes in social connection, psychological safety and belonging. If you have a people strategy, a talent plan or a culture change initiative, Reflection Point helps it succeed.
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Our Impact


“Reflection Point helped me be a leader.”

The senior executive team of a global manufacturer added a Reflection Point session into each of their monthly meetings. Through their discussion, they built the trust, candor and collective intelligence to tackle thorny challenges more effectively together. And they deepened their leadership skills to use with their own teams. Their CEO explained, “We’ve learned to separate our ideas from our egos,” adding, "through Reflection Point, our conversations became deeper, more heart-felt and more human. We've organically built friendships to enhance and support our collaboration."

Front-Line Manufacturing Team

Reflection Point strengthened bonds and opened minds to other points of view to support a more collaborative, productive culture among front-line employees.

Read their story

Academic Medical Center

We helped a group at a world-renowned academic medical center break down barriers, build trust and connect on a deeper level.

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National Law Firm

A professional services firm hosted Reflection Point every other week for eight months, engaging a cross-hierarchical, cross-functional group of employees.

Read their story
"I’ve built relationships with people here that normally I wouldn’t have. I now know the director and some other supervisors. When you get in here with your bosses, you build a relationship. You think, I know him. We read books together. We talk together."
Dan Contalfalsky
Shipping Control Coordinator, Warehouse Operations, National Manufacturer/Distributor